Pipe Synth

By Jihye Ahn Project DescriptionPipe Synth, is a flute-like interactive musical instrument, using a microcontroller board, sensors and MIDI data. My mom’s flute, an essence of my memory from my…

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By Kevin Venkatesh Project DescriptionMy project entitled, “Vibe” is an interactive installation that aims to show users how music creates a tone, mood, or “vibe”. It shows how we, as…

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Doll House

By Kat Celona Project DescriptionMy Interactive Dollhouses combine to make a mixed media interactive project that features two dollhouses, both reflective of different income level familys, that allow users to…

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By Theresa Loong Project DescriptionBought/Broken is an interactive, experimental public service announcement (PSA) about domestic violence. It is important because of statistics like these: according to the CDC, “nearly 3…

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