The Great Animal Orchestra By Amanda Woolsey Project Description “The abyss is Time, with its sadness and weariness. The birds are the opposite of time. They represent our longing for light, for stars,… By Amanda Woolsey Project Description “The abyss is Time, with its sadness and weariness. The birds are the opposite of time. They represent our longing for light, for stars,… By Jacob Sheffet "The cyborg would not recognize the Garden of Eden; it is not made of mud and cannot dream of returning to dust." - Donna Haraway, "Cyborg Manifesto"… Project description: American Sign Language was the second language I acquired from spending time with my aunt and learning from great Deaf professors in LaGuardia Community College. The installation…
By Justin Weber Hernandez Project Description: Ever wondered how it feels to be in a workplace, to be constantly ordered around, to have little to no space for marginal errors?… By Rachel Jungeun Oh Project Description Ephemeral Artistry challenges conventional art expectations, inviting its audience to become essential to its artistic expression. From the outset, this installation encourages audiences… By Haisi Hu Project Description In today's image and camera culture, our faces become essential parts of our identity. Yet, few ever look at the back of their own… Project Description Gestophon is a multi-channel spatial audio environment that could be influenced by simple, familiar hand gestures. By interacting with the sensor interface, users could manipulate the location of… By Davis Alianiello Every Job is a Temp Job When You’re Living in a Body That Will Die is an interactive multimedia installation that explores and satirizes the alienating… By Tobias Fandel Project Description critical proximity is magnetic, mesmerizing, and playful. The video work is inspired by the 18th Century protoscience Animal Mesmerism and engages with a magnetic and… Mitote reimagines the elements of Mexican culture and mythology into an interactive Augmented Reality sound installation. The user is immersed in a virtual audio-visual space and interacts with emerging…