By Davis Alianiello
Every Job is a Temp Job When You’re Living in a Body That Will Die is an interactive multimedia installation that explores and satirizes the alienating experience of office temp work. Viewers — or “Temps” — will sit down at what seems to be an ordinary cubicle, but is actually a Kafkaesque wunderkammer full of unexpected sights and sounds. They will then be guided through the “job orientation process” in the form of an absurdist nonlinear audioplay.
Davis Alianiello is a playwright, teacher, and artist based in Brooklyn, NY. He is currently a Playwriting MFA candidate at CUNY Hunter College. His plays have been performed in twenty-three states, as well as Australia, Canada, China, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, and Scotland. In 2021, he was an artist-in-residence at Stone Oven House in Rorà, Italy.