
By David Tonge & Vanessa Rodriguez

Project Description
Cycle is an interactive project that allows plants to communicate with humans with the electric signals they emit. It’s safe to say at this point in our evolution that we can’t fully communicate with plants but the interactions thus far has been mostly unidirectional. Cycle is our installation is a trying to make the communication multidirectional. We call it Cycle because the cause and effect of trees/plants communicating with humans is unpredictable. Everyone’s react will be different therefore it will be a Cycle of discoveries.

Artist Statement
Vanessa – Everyday is a new opportunity to meet someone new, create a new experience for yourself, and observe your surroundings to capture new perspectives. Since I love writing, I try and channel these events through journalistic writing for my blog or my social media profile, in order to give people a view into a person, place, or time that exists in a city that oozes inspiration from every angle. I am currently an emerging media student mastering my media skills through classes, online sources, meet-ups, work, and projects I become involved in. I am also an aspiring web developer that loves the design and the interactive aspect of front-end development.

David – I’m obsessed with the idea of presenting complex ideas packaged in a simple container. I believe that it makes it easier to expose an idea to receiver. I think this ideology comes from being born and raised on an island. We simplify everything. Our lives are simple, in comparison, to the average city dweller. I came to NYC to escape that but slowly realizing that I’m working on translating that way of living into my fast city life. I’m currently and Emerging Media student, but my focus is Design and Web Development. I plan to have my own creative agency one day or be apart of one.

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