Beware of the Clurichaun

By John Alphonso Chance

Project Description
BEWARE OF CLURICHAUN explores the concepts behind the evolving home security market, which have come to encompass total homeowner comfort. It uses mythical Irish fairies, known as cluricahuns, and their relationship to home security in regard to protecting wine stock. Traditionally, cluricahuns not only watch over wine, but they also like to have a good time. BEWARE OF CLURICHAUN continues to honor the legacy of these fairies as guardians, while it expands their role in the home to include masters of ceremony. Home security has evolved, and so should the clurichauns job description to utilize their amusing disposition.

John Alphonso Chance is a writer, designer, and visual artist primarily concerned with storytelling, drawing, and new media. He is currently enrolled in Hunter College, double majoring in Studio Art and Media Studies with a minor in English. He enjoys simplicity, brilliance, and eating pizza.

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