By Jeremiah Manoppo
In the new culture of social distancing due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to be able relieve stress and be able to exercise said stress in a creative and engaging form. Intending to serve the average person needs, the project Paint-Out endeavors to fulfill the daily needs of exercise and promote good mental health. Inspired by the artworks of Japanese artist Ushio Shinohara, Paint-Out replicates the same concept of the fellow artist know method of painting walls with paint coated boxing gloves. However, this project replicates his liking albeit in a digital format. As well in a cleaner format with no need to cleanup and no need to purchase paint or boxing equipment.
Jeremiah Manoppo is a Hunter College Media Student. Receiving a Bachelor’s in the Spring of 2020. While initially learning fields of science such as software and engineering, Jeremiah began to take an interest in the world of media. Looking to explore new endeavors, Jeremiah intends to create many forms of media, from images, videos, to even physical installations that express his interests and views.
Though I don’t have a punching bag in my house, I will say that the concept is creative and the execution looks flawless. The most I can do with the white canvas on my end is make squiggly lines by holding down the left mouse button and moving my mouse around.
I also like how your title is a reference to the Punch-Out!! video game.
I really enjoyed this installation. As someone who enjoys doing all kinds of physical activities, the idea of taking something like boxing and adding a creative element really stood out to me. In addition, considering the current issues we are currently facing as a society, I like that you were able to create something that revolves not only around physical health and fitness but also relieving stress, and providing an outlet for people to express their creativity in a unique way.